Terms & Conditions

Review our terms and conditions to understand the guidelines and policies for using our chess tournament!

World Tamil Chess Federation (WTCF)

WTCF London Rapid chess open – March 2025

All players to comply with the WTCF’s CHESS TOURNAMENT RULES, PROCEDURES, TERMS & CONDITIONS as set out below

1. The schedule of player details will be announced before each round. Competitors should check it themselves.

2. Before the start of each game the person whose name is first in the schedule should take white and the other person should take black .

3. Players shall sit in their respective places on the table with numbered boards as shown on the table.

4. Competitors must switch off their mobile phones. If a competitor’s phone rings during a match, that competitor will automatically lose that particular match.
5. Both players should shake hands before the start of the match. Likewise, after the match is over, they should shake hands and leave.
6. Both competitors must check the time on the clocks.
7. Check that the pieces are arranged correctly on the board before the start of each match.
8. When the arbiter announces the start of the game, there should be no conversation between the competitors.
9. When the game starts the competitors must press the bell after each move.
10. If you want to discuss anything with the arbiter, you should talk in a very low voice so as not to disturb the other players.
11. If there is any doubt about the rules during the game, raise one hand without talking to each other and the arbiter will come there and resolve the doubt.
12. Please think before you move a piece. If you place your hand on a coil, if it is in a position to be moved, move it.
13. It is not compulsory to say check during matches.
14. If the other player makes another move while in check, point to it and ask him / her to make the corresponding move.
15. If both players agree, the game can end without winning or losing.
16. When the clock expires for the opponent, it must be pointed out immediately. Whoever shows up is the winner.
17. When the game is over, both players should get up and leave the playing area. You should not talk about the game or about other things.
18. Before leaving the board, the pieces must be stacked as they were at the beginning.
19. Decision of arbiter to be accepted.

20. Pairing and prizes : There will be two separate pairing groups – Under 10 and under 13 will be one group and under 16 and open category will be another group . For prize giving purposes , trophies will be awarded based on age category. For example in the under 10 and under 13 age category group, the top five players from under 10 and the top five players from under 13 will receive trophies , in the under 16 and open category they top five players from under 16 and top five players from open will receive trophies.

Terms and conditions:

Entries must be made on the official online portal (www.londontournaments.com) and must be received by the Tournament committee with the correct payment by credit card on or before the deadline and for the correct category. Payment made without submitting an entry form will not be accepted as a valid entry.

Please ensure that all entry forms are completed fully and clearly with appropriate contact details in case of significant change to event details. Illegible or incomplete entries may be rejected.

As soon as you completed online entry form, you will immediately receive confirmation email. On a regular basis you will receive tournament update emails from us and it is your responsibility to check spam folders. Between your registration entry date and the tournament date , If you are not receiving email updates on a regular basis please contact us.

Our club will not be liable for any expense incurred as a result of this event being cancelled or postponed. All expenses are at the sole risk of the competitor. Players must provide proof of ID/ age confirmation upon request. WTCF reserves the right to refuse entry without assigning a reason and to alter or modify the programme in any way they see fit.

Neither WTCF nor any official thereof will be responsible for any damage or loss of articles left in the hall, etc. from whatsoever cause arising. Times of play are subject to amendment when the Tournament Entries are known.

Withdrawal from the tournament: Should you need to withdraw, you must contact WTCF by sending an email with valid reason for withdrawal at least ten days before the tournament date. Players must report to the Tournament Officials immediately upon arrival for registration.

By attending this tournament, you agree to be photographed/videoed/filmed by WTCF’s authorised photographers and officials. Photos and videos will be uploaded on our website after the event.

The personal data that is provided will only be held for the purpose of the event and will not be shared with 3rd parties.

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